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About us

We started as a group of international Master Students with the vision to make Remote Sensing Date easy useable for everyone dealing with Urban Topics.
Based on this motivation we worked on the development of our product beside the master. 

Now nearly all of us are done with the master in Earth Observation and Geoanalyis and some of us doing a PhD and other started working, but still we burn for our product and continue to develop it and will found a start-up.

We are convinced that the application of science and technology is key to address the future challenges in urban environments. That’s why we want to make the jump from Earth Observers to Earth Changers. 


Together, our team is well-equipped to handle the complex and diverse challenges of providing sustainable and environmentally-friendly solutions for our clients.

Andreas Burry

Our CEO and Managing Director, Andreas Bury, brings a strong project management skills. He is dedicated to driving the team's vision and building strong relationships with clients and stakeholders, while sharpening core business strategies and market positioning.

Sofía García

As COO & CFO, Sofía García brings her environmental engineering background. She is dedicated to keeping the human-centered aspect of our business at the forefront and driving our efforts to deliver Urban Intelligence that empowers those working to build a more efficient, equitable, and resilient future.

Nils Karges

Nils Karges, our Research and Innovation Director, brings his experience with Big Data and advanced programming skills, as well as his expertise in UI/UX design to the team.

Annika Ludwig

Annika Ludwig, with her background in urban & rural development and experience in data-driven approaches, is an invaluable asset to our team as she handles customer relations and user experience. Furthermore, her experience working with stakeholders makes her an expert in this field.

Antonio Castaneda

Antonio Castañeda, our CPO brings a wealth of experience in geology and data science, as well as an entrepreneurial spirit to the team. He has experience with IoT and edge computing, and is skilled in linking sensor data with spatial data, always with a focus on strong communication between R&D.


We participated in the Copernicus Masters competition from ESA where we won the Environmental & Health challenge from DLR, which provided valuable resources and support for further developing our idea.